Cafe Discussion Guides

These Café Discussion Guides are being shared with you as a tool to facilitate your spiritual journey.
Each session will summarize the topic/practice, give an example from the Bible, and help show how the topic/practice continues to be relevant today.
They may be used individually or in small group situations.

Make Peace

One of the names of Jesus Christ is Prince of Peace. Following Christ's example, we are called to be peacemakers; to cultivate peace within ourselves and share that with the world. How can we do that? The following guides will offer some direction on your journey to peace.

Session 1: Know Peace

Session 2: Take a Step Back

Session 3: Understand Others

Session 4: Take Risks for Peace

Love God, Neighbor, and Enemy

We are called to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This love is a love of action, of giving. These lessons will explore just what it means to live out this self-giving love.

Session 1: Love Extravagantly

Session 2: Serve a Stranger

Session 3: Show Mercy

Session 4: Wash Another's Feet

Session 4: Be Courageous

Session 4: Live Peaceably


God's nature is to forgive. When we forgive one another, we carry out God's will in the world. These lessons will explore forgiveness effects on relationships, and how what was broken can be repaired through God's grace.

Session 1: Name Sin

Session 2: Receive Forgiveness

Session 3: Forgive Others

Session 4: Build a Bridge

Sing a New Song

We are called to sing new songs because God is doing a new thing in our lives and in the world. Songs are important part of how we learn, remember, and practice what we believe about God's saving story. These four sessions will how singing can remain vital for Christian disciples (even if you don't think of yourself as a singer).

Session 1: Sing Liberation

Session 2: Sing Tribulation

Session 3: Sing Transformation

Session 4: Sing New Creation

Practice Generosity

For Christians, generosity is not a kindness, but an expectation. Jesus' ministry was one of generosity, and he tasks his followers to expand his mission using all the resources, wisdom, and power we've been given. These sessions will explore four specific aspects of generosity.

Session 1: Share Resources

Session 2: Share Wisdom

Session 3: Share Justice

Session 4: Share Power

Practice Spiritual Disciplines

Session 1: Fast

Session 2: Pray

Session 3: Listen to God

Session 4: Embrace Simplicity

Session 4: Unplug

Session 4: Try Different Practices


Session 1: Remember Your Baptism

Session 2: Cross the Divide

Session 3: Die and Rise

Session 4: Honor the Body

Follow Jesus

Session 1: Accept Jesus' Invitation

Session 2: Follow with the Community of Other Disciples

Session 3: See Everything through the Lens of Love

Session 4: Follow Jesus in the Making of Disciples

Welcome All

Session 1: Welcome Others as God Welcomes You

Session 2: See Christ in Every Person

Session 3: Challenge Othering