This will be a sign to you...

Luke 2:12

This Advent and Christmas Season we are asking the question, "What signs do you see during the Advent and Christmas season that point you to the divine?"

Through the month of December, we will share pictures that will bring different aspects of this time of year to mind. Using the practice of Visio Divina (Sacred Seeing), you will be encouraged to study the picture and use it as a devotional tool. How do these images speak of God? Do they bring fond memories to mind? Questions such as these will be posed. May you be open to receiving the gift that God has for you through this exercise.
Experiencing Christmas - Bonus

What does this image say to you about God?
How do you feel looking at the picture?

I'm always amazed at how quickly the world wants to move on from Christmas. Come the afternoon/evening of December 25th, some houses will already have a Christmas tree outside waiting to be hauled off. Within the week following, lights and decorations will begin coming down. And let's not even talk about stores. They've been getting ready for Valentine's Day since mid December.

Are you chasing the next big event?
What would happen if you took more than a day to celebrate Jesus birth?

God, days on a calendar continue to be checked off. We have places to go, people to meet, and jobs to do. In our busy lives, help us to take time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ into our world. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 25

What does this image say to you about God?

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

This verse was penned hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth, and for the hundreds of years that have followed Jesus’ life this prophetic message continues to be told about who Jesus was, is, and will always be.

He is our Wonderful Counselor who taught us the importance of love. He is our Mighty God who overcame death. He is the Everlasting Father of our faith. He is the Prince of Peace who sacrificed himself instead of starting a war.

All of this, and so much more, and it started with a child.

God, You sent Your Son to live on earth so we may have a closer relationship with You. Because of Jesus, we can have hope, peace, joy, and love every day of the year, not just Christmas. May we hold fast to this promise, and continue to walk with You. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 24

What does this image say to you about God?

A significant portion of Luke's retelling of the Christmas Story focuses on the shepherds. Why? Matthew's gospel highlights Jesus' lineage, the angel's visit to Joseph, and the Wise Men's visit. Mark skips Jesus' birth altogether and goes straight to his baptism. John is similar to Mark in skipping the birth, but he does equate Jesus to the Word. It is in Luke's telling that we go into much more detail. We hear of Zechariah, Elizabeth, and John the Baptist along with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus, and lastly, the angels and shepherds.

Of the two gospels that give detail on Jesus' birth, Matthew shows Jesus is descended from the greatest of Jewish kings, David, and given kingly gifts. While in Luke, the focus is less so on him being an earthly king, but instead a heavenly Prince of Peace who has come to lift up the lowly.

Shepherds. Smelly, common shepherds were the first to visit Jesus. Not high priests or kings, but everyday, often overlooked, shepherds. Luke wants us to know that Jesus came to be the Savior of all people, especially those who society looks down on.

How are you like a shepherd in the Nativity?
How can you help your fellow shepherds know of their importance to God?

God, help us to write on our hearts how we are loved by You. Help us also to see those whom society looks down on and lift them up. May they know that You love them enough to send Your Son to be their Savior. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 23

What does this image say to you about God?
How do you feel when you look at it?

So many holiday traditions revolve around food. We talked about several different culinary delights of the season earlier this month. Yet it isn’t the goodies themselves that should be the focus, but the meals they are a part of. We may joke about needing elastic waistbands and hiding the bathroom scales, but Christmas parties and the food at them help to bring us together. See, there again it is the people that are most important.

Our relationships with each other and God help to make life worth living. We need to share the good times and commiserate with the bad. We need to recognize that we cannot go through life alone. And what better way to bring together people than with food? So the next time you sit down to a meal with someone, join hands and thank God for having them in your life.

God, help us to come together, listen to each other’s stories, and open our hearts in empathy. May we understand that while we are each on different paths, our journeys will be more enjoyable when we share them. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 22

What does this image say to you about God?
What stands out to you?

My great grandmother was a quilter. She and her quilting group would come together regularly and work on various projects, with every little stitch being done by hand. These quilts when finished would then be passed on as gifts to family and friends.

The quilt she helped make that adorned my bed was one with maple leaves of different fabrics and yellow borders. As a child, I would run my hands over that quilt feeling the different textures and be soothed. It is unfortunately long gone after repeated wear and tear, but to this day I still love to run my fingers over the stitches on a quilt. I follow their path, and through touch I am reminded of the comfort my great grandmother’s quilt brought me all those years.

Is there a gift you received in the past that you either still have or fondly remember?

God, may all we do be done out of love; a gift freely given to the world around us. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 21

What does this image say to you about God?
How do it make you feel?

Have you ever held a baby? Felt the softness of their skin? Compared your hand to theirs?

The human skin is the largest organ of our bodies. It not only protects us, but it transmits vital information to our brains; is this object hot, cold, safe. We also communicate with each other through touch be it a handshake, hug, or other gesture. Studies have shown that when we deprive ourselves of these simple interactions we become not only disconnected but depressed. We need to physically touch to truly feel alive and whole.

Maybe that is why God came to earth in the form of Jesus. As Jesus, God experienced what is means to be human; to need food, clothing, shelter, and sharing life's journey with family and friends. But what if God becoming human was for our benefit in being able to touch Jesus? God was no longer one we could no longer see, hear, or touch. We now had that physical connection. We now could be fully alive with God.

God, help us to remember that each time we are touching another person, we are touching Your precious child. And because we know Your Spirit lives within us, we can take comfort that we are also touching You. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 20

What does this image say to you about God?
Does this image bring to mind a memory for you?

On Christmas Eve, Christians around the world gather to once again hear the proclamation of the birth of Jesus Christ. We hear scriptures that tell of the Incarnate Word. We sing songs that reinforce the message through music. We may even act out the Nativity. But most importantly, we remember that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. And when we light candles this night, we are making a proclamation of our own: God's Light lives on in me.

How can you show God's light to the world?

God, help us to radiate Your light and love, so that others may come to know You and shine brightly as well. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 19

What does this image say to you about God?
How does looking at this image make you feel?

I cannot remember how old I was when my mom first taught me how to wrap a present. And even though gift bags are wonderfully convenient, I still prefer to get out the paper, tape, and scissors to dress up a gift. It is a tactile process that I find meditative, especially when you can glide the scissors in one smooth cut. In the folding, creasing, and cutting I transfer my good intentions through my hands into that paper and ribbon and on to the person the gift is for.

Do you treat gift wrapping as a chore or as a blessing?
How would things change if you approached it as a ritual?

God, small acts can become holy moments when we see them as times to connect with You. Help us to be intentional in the things we do, so that everything we do is done with love. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 18

What does this image say to you about God?
What stands out to you?

As winter continues to progress and the days get colder, we as people return to our roots and gather around a fire. We come seeking not only warmth, but companionship. We share stories around a fire. We laugh around a fire. We sing around a fire. Yet, even if we don't speak, a fire is never silent.

Can you hear the crackle?
Don't you want to get closer?

God, You are the spark of creation that is alive all around us. Your light is everlasting, bringing us a warmth that suffuses our souls. May we be reminded of Your presence each time we hear the crackle of a fire or candle burning. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 17

What does this image say to you about God?
How would you describe this picture to someone else?

One of my favorite Christmas carols is "It Came upon the Midnight Clear". It is hard for me to describe exactly why I love it, but I'll try. I love the melody. It isn't overly simple or overly complex. If you sing along, it doesn't go ridiculously high or low. It also doesn't stay one way the entire time. There is a slight tension that comes through in the third line that becomes resolved in the last.

Mostly, I love the lyrics. When so many Christmas carols sing of Christ's birth, this one never explicitly names Jesus. Instead we hear of angels singing over a weary world the promise of true peace that has just entered our world. It doesn't try to sugarcoat our reality. God knows we struggle, and yearn for better. And because God knows, angels are sent to spread the message that we can know peace through Jesus Christ. We only have to listen.

Do you have a favorite Christmas carol?
What message from God can it teach you today?

God, time continues to march forward, but humanity has a way of not learning its lessons. Wars continue to rage. People continue to go cold and hungry. Injustices are not resolved. Still, Your angels sing over us a song of hope, peace, joy, and love. Help us to hear the song, and may it change our hearts so we can be its messengers as well. Amen.

*If you would like to listen to "It Came upon the Midnight Clear" click on the following button to be taken to a YouTube video featuring Jars of Clay.*
Experiencing Christmas - 16

What does this image say to you about God?
Imagine yourself in this scene. What do you hear?
How does it make you feel?

I’ll be honest, there are times where I feel more like the Grinch than Cindy Lou Who. Noise, Noise, NOISE. Music playing here. Cars honking there. People talking loudly everywhere. Does it ever just stop? How can I hear God’s still, small voice among this whirlwind of activity?

And yet, isn’t that so much like the very first Christmas? There were more people in Bethlehem than normal due to a census, with their four-legged modes of transportation adding to the ruckus. I’m sure music was playing to entice travelers to various inns. And into all this bedlam a baby is born.

     The cattle are lowing
     The Baby awakes
     But little Lord Jesus
     No crying He makes

God, it can be hard to hear You when all the world around us is creating sounds; happy sounds, sad sounds, angry sounds, but mostly distracting sounds. Help us to find You, our calm in the chaos. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 15

What does this image say to you about God?
What emotions does this image bring you?

In Luke, Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth to share the news that she is pregnant. Elizabeth is also pregnant, and the child in her womb jumps for joy upon Mary's arrival. Filled with the Holy Spirit, Elizabeth blesses Mary. Mary's response has become one of the oldest Christian hymns, the Magnificat, or My Soul Magnifies the Lord.

“With all my heart I glorify the Lord!
In the depths of who I am I rejoice in God my savior.
He has looked with favor on the low status of his servant.
Look! From now on, everyone will consider me highly favored
because the mighty one has done great things for me.
Holy is his name.
He shows mercy to everyone,
from one generation to the next,
who honors him as God.
He has shown strength with his arm.
He has scattered those with arrogant thoughts and proud inclinations.
He has pulled the powerful down from their thrones
and lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things
and sent the rich away empty-handed.
He has come to the aid of his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy,
just as he promised to our ancestors,
to Abraham and to Abraham’s descendants forever.”  ~Luke 1:46b-55

When you hear this song of Mary's, what comes to mind?
When you have been blessed, do you speak of it to others?
Do you offer praise to the one who has blessed you?

God, we have been taught that every good and perfect gift comes from You. Every blessing big or small has been bestowed to us by You. May our instinctual response be like Mary's, a heartfelt celebration of Your goodness. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 14

What does this image say to you about God?
What sounds to you think you would hear if you were standing there in person?

There is a famous song by the name of "Do You Hear What I Hear?". Perhaps you are familiar with it. Like a game of telephone, the message of Christ's birth travels from life to life in its lyrics. From the wind to the lamb to the shepherd boy to the king to each of us, we hear of Christ. We hear of his birth. We hear of all of creation singing in praise of an unassuming infant. We hear of the promise of peace this birth brings. Through it all we are asked questions, "Do you see/hear/know what I see/hear/know?"

What if it was not the character asking the questions, but God?

Look at the image again, and imagine God asking you, "Do you hear what I hear?"

God, You are ever present in our lives, though too often we do not recognize this fact. The voice of creation sings each and every day of Your miracles. Lord, help us to not only hear it, but join in its mighty chorus. Amen.

*If you would like to listen to "Do You Hear What I Hear?" Click on the following button to be taken to a YouTube video featuring Josh Groban and The War and Treaty.*
Experiencing Christmas - 13

What does this image say to you about God?
What thoughts come to mind when you look at this picture?

Jingle bells, sleigh bells, church bells…the air at this time of year is alive with the sound of bells joyfully ringing. If Clarence from “It’s a Wonderful Life” is right, then there are a lot of angels receiving their wings during December.

When you hear bells ringing, how do you feel?
What other sounds make you think Christmas is coming?

God, help us to not dismiss bells ringing as background noise and thus something to be overlooked. Instead, may we hear them and be filled with hope for the coming Christ Child. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 12

What does this image say to you about God?
How does this image make you feel?

Traditions are the passing of customs or beliefs from generation to generation. They help to tie people together to form a community. One tradition you may have is your Christmas meal.

When do you get together? Christmas Eve? Christmas Day? Some other day?
Is there a dish that has to be there?
How has this tradition shaped you?

Traditions are good, but let us remember that it is not an item or act that is most important, it is the people. And isn't food a great way to bring people together?

God, may our traditions help us to build community. May we also be willing to share our traditions with others and them with us. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 11

What does this image say to you about God?

Is there a more iconic sweet associated with Christmas than the candy cane? The origin of this treat is murky, but one tale goes back to the 1600s in Germany where a choirmaster, tired of noisy children at Christmas Eve services, asked a local candy maker to make the kids something to keep them quiet. In order to rationalize giving them the candy, he had them made in the shape of a shepherd's hook to remind the kids of the shepherds visiting the infant Jesus.

There is a poem of why candy canes look the way they do that has become popular. It goes as follows:
Look at the Candy Cane what do you see?
Stripes that are red like the blood shed for me.
White is for my Savior who’s sinless and pure!
“J” is for Jesus My Lord, that’s for sure!
Turn it around and a staff you will see.
Jesus my shepherd was born for Me!

God, we are constantly reminded each day that You are here with us. The signs become even more apparent during Christmas when we create foods to symbolize You and Your love for us. Give us not just eyes to see and ears to hear, but a mind that takes it to heart. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 10

What does this image say to you about God?
Is there a specific time of your life that comes to mind when you look at this picture?

According to the internet, the earliest recipe for a fruitcake comes from Ancient Rome. They gained popularity with new ingredients like sugarcane from the Americas being found, and quickly spread around the world. For many cultures, they are a vital part of celebrations from birthdays to Christmas.

Is there a food that has become a traditional way for you to celebrate Christmas?
How can you invite others to share this tradition?

God, help us to create traditions that honor You. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 9

What does this image say to you about God?
What thoughts and feelings does this image bring to your mind?

If you read further in Luke 2, after the angels have visited the shepherds, the shepherds find Mary, Joseph, and the newborn Jesus. They tell of what they have learned, and then return to the fields they came from. From Luke 2:20, The shepherds returned home, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. Everything happened just as they had been told.

How do you react when you hear really good news?
Do you stay quiet?
Or do you share it with the people you meet?

Christmas cookies are meant for sharing. They are an embodiment of the well wishes and joy that we want to spread in our world.

Doesn't it feel good to receive cookies?
Why not let others feel it as well?

God, help us to be like the shepherds who first experienced Christ's birth and spread the good news to everyone we meet. Even if it is just in the simple act of giving cookies, we know we can change our world for the better by spreading joy. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 8

What does this image say to you about God?
What caught your eye first in this image?

There is just something about a hot beverage that brings comfort on a winter's day. The weather may be cold and blustery, but we can find solace in a simple mug. Be it cider, tea, cocoa, or coffee, when we drink them we are warmed from the inside out. The promise that Jesus' birth brings does the same thing. We read in Luke 2:10-11, The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord. These words were spoken to the shepherds.

How do you think it made them feel?
Do you think their entire being was suffused with a warmth?
How do you feel reading them?

The next time you sip on something warm, reflect on God's love for you that came in the form of a newborn child, and may it warm your soul as it warms you body.

God, help us to open our senses to experience You in our lives, knowing You are the provider of all good things. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 7

What does this image say to you about God?
What word would you use to describe this picture?

Food plays such a huge role in our daily lives. Sure, it nourishes our bodies, but it is intrinsically tied to our memories as well. We associate certain foods with certain seasons or life events. Then, each time we eat that food we remember past times.

Homemade fudges and bonbons remind me of past Christmases because it is when I usually get them. I don’t make or buy them. I’m gifted them. They’re special. People share them as a way to say “You’re important to me.”

How do you show others they are special to you?

God, may the food we eat bring about fond memories of times spent with friends and family. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 6

What does this image say to you about God?
Can you see yourself in this picture? If so, how does it make you feel?

After my grandparents' passing, I inherited their nativity set. It is a simple, white porcelain set that includes the usual cast of characters with none standing more than a couple inches tall. There have been years that I have not had a Christmas tree up, but I make sure to place that nativity on display. It has become a reminder to where I come from; not just my immediate ancestry , but also as a Christian.

Do you have a similar reminder?

God, help us to see that the Christmas story is not just something of the past. May we see that is continues on to this day, and we are a part of it. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 5

What does this image say to you about God?

We have been focusing on the signs that Christmas is on the way; the lights, the decorations, the merry-making. These are all man-made though. The earth itself gives signs; longer nights, fallen leaves, less animal activity, snow. The earth says "Slow down...Reflect...See, I'm doing something special."

Are you seeing these signs? Are you listening?

God, help us to see that just because our world seems to be losing life before our eyes, You are still moving. There is no need to be afraid, You are still here. You are doing something special and amazing. May our hearts remain hopeful and our eyes open to witness Your wondrous works. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 4

What does this image say to you about God?
How does this image make you feel?

I don’t know about you, but when the weather turns colder I love to put on a sweater or sweatshirt. It is like being wrapped in a warm hug. Advent and Christmas call for more than just a sweater though. It should be festive! I mean the song lyrics do go “Don we now our gay apparel.”

How does what you wear bring you comfort?
How does it bring you joy?

God, as we continue to prepare ourselves for Christmas, may we remember that our attitudes are the most important thing we wear. So may we wear smiles and spread warmth where we go like a festive Christmas sweater. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 3

What does this image say to you about God?
What stands out most in this image to you?

There is something about a home or building that has a wreath on its door that seems inviting. A simple adornment, but one that brings life to an otherwise lifeless facade. It also shows how God is ever present in our lives. From its shape of a circle to the evergreen boughs and berries it is made with, a wreath shows God's love for all creation has no beginning or end. God's love is eternal and always abundant; evergreen in a way.

What else shows you God's everlasting presence in your life?

God, even though we are entering this time of winter, we know that You are still at work. Help us to open our eyes to see the signs that You are alive and well. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 2

What does this image say to you about God?

As my grandparents aged, Thanksgiving became the day when we would decorate their home for Christmas. Everything would come out of storage, and we would once again unearth ornaments we hadn't seen since the previous year. Those ornaments told a shared history of Christmases past, and embodied a hope of Christmases to come.

What stories do you think the ornaments in this picture could tell?
Do your own Christmas ornaments have a special meaning?

God, as we look at ornaments on a tree, help us to see what they represent; hope, peace, joy, and love. Amen.
Experiencing Christmas - 1

What does this image say to you about God?
What emotions come to mind when looking at this picture?  

Nights get longer. Days get shorter. Yet, we still long for light. How fitting that as we look towards Christmas and the light of Christ entering the world, that we adorn our homes with lights. What do Christmas lights mean to you? Do they bring joy? Do they bring warmth?

In the church, we speak of the light of Christ living inside of each of us. This season, how can you shine as brightly as the Christmas lights you see?

God, help us to see the light you bring even when the night seems so dark. Help us to add our own lights as well, so others may see You more clearly. Amen.