Day 23 of Advent--Small Gifts

What do you notice first about this image?
How is God speaking to you through this image?

Here we are nearing the end of Advent 2023. Tomorrow is day 24, AKA Christmas Eve. As you think about this December, where have you seen signs of hope? Where have you heard hope calling out? Have you shared hope with others?

Hope is not just a gift we receive at Christmas. God gives it each and every day, along with peace, joy, and love. May you live in the hope that Christ’s birth brings.

God, may we actively seek out the gifts you share with us each day. Amen.
Day 22 of Advent--A Place For You

What emotion do you feel when looking at this picture?
Where is God in this image?

The New Testament gives an overarching account of Jesus' ministry. We read about him performing miracles and preaching to large crowds. Yet, I wonder if his true work happened in these large crowds, or if instead, it was when gathered around a table ready to eat?

Food can create barriers, or it can knock them down. In Jesus' time, there were unclean foods and unclean people, and clean and unclean did not mix. It is recorded that Jesus ate with the unclean. He ate with sinners. He broke down that barrier and shared food with people that good little Jewish boys were to avoid. He shared with them a hope that all could receive his mercy and love.

God, we pray that we do not use food as a means of separation. Help us to always have an extra chair ready to pull up to the table when it is most needed. Amen.
Day 21 of Advent--Twinkling Lights

When you look at this photo, what comes to you?
How is God speaking to you through this image?

Living in a city, it is hard to find a place at night where light doesn't reach. There are traffic lights, street lights, headlights and taillights of cars, lights from businesses...I could keep going. There are so many lights that I wonder if their significance is lost.

Maybe that is why Christmas lights are so magical. They twinkle and dance in the night; casting a warm glow that usually highlights the world around them. They bring a sense of hope.

Today, may you notice and give thanks for the things that light up your life with a sense of hope.
Day 20 of Advent--Hope is Alive

How do you feel looking at this image?
What is sacred about this image?

"Someday I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me."

These lyrics come from the song "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". It speaks of a land where skies are blue, troubles don't last, and all your dreams come true. It is a song of hope that has been shared by countless artists over the years. Yet, I'm not sure the song would have the impact it has if it was not tied to a rainbow.

Rainbows have been symbols of hope long before "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was written. Back when the events in Genesis were taking place, God placed a rainbow in the sky as a promise to never again destroy the world by a flood. Since then, every time it has stormed, people can find hope in a brighter future due to a rainbow.

God, after each storm you place a rainbow in the sky to show us hope is still alive. Help us to see other signs of hope you share after every literal and figurative storm we go through. Amen.
Day 19 of Advent--Share Hope

When you look at this picture, what do you notice first?
What thoughts or emotions come to mind?

We have been discussing the topic of Hope this Advent. We have talked about hearing and seeing it. This week, our focus is about sharing hope. In Mark 2:1-12 , a story is told of when Jesus was speaking in a home. There was no more room for anyone to enter, but a group of friends had to see Jesus. See, one of them was paralyzed and his friends knew Jesus could heal him. So they climbed onto the roof, created a hole, and lowered the paralytic down to Jesus. Seeing the actions of the friends, Jesus healed the man. It was the hope and faith of the man's friends that healed him.

Look at the picture again. Does it look different to you?
Are you noticing new facets to the overall picture?

This day, may you share hope when you can. May you receive hope when you need it. But most of all, may you live in the hope Jesus brings.
Day 18 of Advent--A Gift Given

What do you think is in this package?
What emotions would you feel if it was for you?

There is just something about a package that is wrapped up that brings out the little kid in me. Excitement wells up, and I get curious about the contents. It is the kind of surprise I like. The gift doesn't even have to be for me.  I especially like seeing a change in emotions in whomever I give a gift. Do you feel the same way?

Imagine how God feels when we give freely. Imagine how God feels when we freely receive.

I hope today that you are able to see the different gifts that have been given to you, and may you thank God for each one.
Day 16 of Advent--Down, But Not Out

Where do you see hope in this picture?

Trees come down. It's a fact of life. Sometimes it happens because of disease. Sometimes because of high winds. Though often enough that when a tree falls we usually don't give it a second glance. We think for that tree, it has reached the end. Yet, that isn't the case with God. God sees light where we see darkness. God sees hope where we see despair. God sees a beginning when we only see and end.

My hope for you today is that your "endings" may be shown to really be "beginnings".
Day 15 of Advent--Look to the Heavens

Imagine that it is you standing in that picture. It is nighttime. There are no city lights. All around you are only stars. What do you hear? What do you see? How does that make you feel?

Now, ponder on the fact that the stars in the picture are the same stars all those years ago that Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, and wise men saw. How does that make you feel?

"Look up at the sky and consider: Who created these? The one who brings out their attendants one by one, summoning each of them by name. Because of God’s great strength and mighty power, not one is missing." -Isaiah 40:26
Day 14 of Advent--Small Miracles

Do you see God in this picture?
How about hope?

For many, seeing items for babies (especially booties) brings a sense of warmth; a softening of expressions. A tiny child. A new miracle of life. A gift from God entrusted to us.

What seemingly small gift has been entrusted to you? This season, may you be open to the small miracles God is bringing you.
Day 12 of Advent--Walk by Faith

How does this picture make you feel?
Does it bring you hope?

There is a scripture verse from Hebrews that has been a favorite of mine since I first read it. From Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the reality of what we hope for, the proof of what we don’t see." Maybe in your lives, like mine, you have run into circumstances of uncertainty. Your path forward is unclear. You don't know where you will end up. Do you stay where you are hoping for your path to be made fully visible? Or do you step forward with faith that you end up where you hope to be?

My prayer for you this day is that wherever you are, you may have faith that God is with you, and that you will be carefully guided forward even when you cannot see.
Day 10 of Advent--Seeing Hope

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it! We hear these words from scripture year after year at advent. They provide a message that has been shared for generations.

Where are you seeing light this year?
Does that light bring you hope?
Do you need to provide the light for others?

This is the second Sunday of Advent. Here is a prayer for you. You can pray it and light the second candle of advent, or use the picture provided.
Where do we see hope?
In light that shines in darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. In the light of one candle that illumines a
face or ignites a thousand other candles.
Where do we see hope?
In the human fragility of a baby, full of promise. For unto us a child is born, and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God.
We light two candles as we pray to see hope. Amen.
Day 8-Shh, Just Listen!

This might be one of those images that speak for itself. You are talking so someone, they do not pay attention and so you do what is needed to get them to listen.

What if it were God taking those headphones off of you?
Are you listening? Is there something you are missing?

I hope today you will take a moment to stop and just listen. Who knows what you might discover. It might just be the peace and direction you need.

Lord, your servant is listening. Help me to hear you and be guided by you...(be in silence). Amen.
Day 7-Too Good to Be True

Have you ever had that absolutely perfect moment? It is a moment that comes about and everything seems to be right with the world. It might be a moment where something you are stressing about is worked out. A moment when a prayer is answered, or you realize a prayer was answered and everything is as it should be.

Today I hope you experience or remember those to good to be true moments and believe.
Believe they are possible. Believe in the one who gave the moment to you. Believe that you are not alone. God, who loves you, is with you.

God, thank you for those to good to be true moments. Help me see them more often and know I can trust in you and believe. Amen.

Day 6-Hope Beyond Hope
People gathering to pray together can bring lots of emotions.
Often it brings up the feeling of hope beyond hope.
I have never had this explained as well as Charlene Jin Lee explained it in the material from PCUSA Follow me series, "Hope: Foundational Essay." She shared that hope beyond hope is when we have exhausted our own human hope and now are hoping with God's hope.

As you look at the picture of peope praying, what do you notice?
Does it bring up memories for you?
Are you feeling a yearning to be in such a community?

Lord, help us remember the hope you give that is so much more than what we can supply. Help us as we rely on your hope beyond hope. Amen.
Day 5-God's Handiwork

I wonder what they found?
For this day of visio divina, sacred seeing, this looks like just an ordinary picture of three kids playing. They are looking for things in the world around them they might not usually see. And it looks like they found something. Are you surprised? I'm not.
On day 5 of advent, we are all going about our usual jobs. We might have opened an advent calendar door or had a devotion or prayer. But, how often do we stop and look at God's handiwork?

Today I invite you to expore. Take a moment to see all that God has given to us and give thanks.
Who knows you might just find a reason to wonder.
You might just find something jaw dropping.
Thank you, God, for your handiwork. Help me to see you in the world and give you thanks for all you have given. Amen.
Day 4. Righteous and Faithful
When I think of the word righteous, I often think of a person being perfect in their actions. Yet, being righteous is about being faithful to the Lord. It happens when our actions reflect our love of the Lord. 
If you read Luke 1, you will meet Elizabeth and Zachariah. Both said to be righteous and faithful. Yet, as we learn about them, we learn they were far from perfect.

 As you look at this picture, what does it look like happened?

Do you see God’s goodness reflected?

As you interact with people today, what do you see that reflects righteousness and faithfulness?
Today is the first Sunday of Advent.

As you look at the light shining bright on this first candle what do you see?
What does the light mean to you?
We light this candle and we wait. We wait to understand what it means for God to love us.
We wait on our minds to understand what it means for the light to overcome the darkness.
We wait to believe.
What else are you waiting for this year?

Advent Candle Prayer
Lord, where do we hear of hope?
From scriptures like Isaiah 40 and Jeremiah 29:11,
What does it say?
 Those who place their hope in the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings like eagles.
Surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
On this first Sunday of Advent, let us light a candle to hear hope.
Visio Divina-Sacred Seeing

What does this image say to you about God?

What if you think about the word refresh?  

Today is the first day of Advent. Trinity UMC invites you to join us in preparing for Christmas with the practice of visio divina "sacred seeing." Each day we will share a visual prompt with you on notifications. You will be invited to use the prompt to see the Lord in the world each day.
As we begin, you are invited to look around and see what around you looks like it has been refreshed anew by the Lord. Can you see something that reveals to you God's love in a new way? Is there something you have seen so often, you no longer notice it? What if you look at it today?

God, help me see your Spirit in the world. Even as we wait for you, you are here revealing to us the true meaning of it all. Thank you. Help me see you and grow closer to you today. Amen.